23 September 2015




Welcome to Greatest Hits! Greatest Hits articles look at blog posts from the Musings' archives, with the objective of resurrecting interesting posts from the past. This week, Brittney Sproule's article really got me thinking...

Brittney Sproule was lucky enough to have been able to visit the exhibit Bon Appétit: Julia Child's Kitchen at the Smithsonian. I am lucky enough to be able to live vicariously through her Musings blog post.

Sproule wrote about the famous cook Julia Child, a woman that I had come to admire through the slightly cheesy 2009 film: Julie & Julia.

Film choices aside, I was shocked to learn that the Smithsonian exhibit was an exact model of Julia Child's kitchen. Visitors could walk through the exhibit, just as Julia Child would have walked through her own kitchen. In addition, images of the kitchen were placed online, for everyone to see. All I could think of was: "that's brave." I don't know if I would want a room from my house to be displayed for the world to see, especially considering the fact that I have a terrible habit of forgetting where I put things. Seriously: I can have multiple cups of water scattered around the house and not even realize it. If my house was replicated for a museum, I am pretty sure they would think I was the girl from the movie Signs, who used water cups to fight aliens.


Am I alone in this one? Would you want a room in your house to be on display for all to see? Or do you prefer to keep the home private?

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