21 October 2019


Muse News | Michelle Wright

Sometimes one ending is someone else’s beginning; that is what is happening here. Muse News has been piloted by Amy Intrator for the past year and the mantle has now been passed to me. So lets start with some fun and someone else’s new beginning too!

Many museums have noted the lack of 20-30somethings in the museum world which has effected numerous aspects. One of the biggest being finances--both on a visitor level and a donor level. Museums have been faced with this challenge of appealing to this generation that has a different set of behaviours and values and that are often looking for more of an "experience". Over the last decade there has been a rise of after-hour events for adults in museums, one of the most well known in Toronto being the Royal Ontario Museums (ROM) Friday Night Live.  Museums all over the world have been throwing open their doors after the “normal” museum hours and have become enticing places for a new type of entertainment and escape within the museum. We could fill many articles with all of the after-hour events out there but let us focus on one specifically, and as promised, lets look at one that is just starting out; The Hockey Hall of Fame’s new OVERTIME event!

The Hockey Hall of Fame (HHOF) has moved a few times in its life, but is now settled at the current location in the lower concourse level of Brookfield Place, 30 Yonge St. Toronto, Ontario in 1993. The museum itself dates back to 1943 when James Sutherland was elected president to the newly-established Hockey Hall of Fame (Although, the Hockey Hall of Fame Museum didn't move to Toronto until over a decade later!) The HHOF has become the home of the Stanley Cup and showcases the best of hockey, from the best shooters and goalies to the largest collection of hockey memorabilia in the world.

The Hockey Hall of Fame, Source.
For the first time ever the HHOF is opening for a series of 19+ after-hour events known as Thursday Night OVERTIME starting on September 26, 2019. The night was filled with drinks, music and, you guessed it, hockey! The DJ for the night was Lissa Monet a 6x Stylus Award winning DJ and the host or Media Personality was Jesse Pollock who is a Producer for TSN. Tickets were $20 at the door or $18 online and a food or drink ticket cost $6. 

Photo with the Stanley Cup. Photo Courtesy of Michelle Wright.

I’m not going to lie, this was my first time at the Hockey Hall of Fame, and while I enjoy watching a game of hockey I’m not a super fan. But I have to say I had a good time! Besides the music, food, drinks and of course the friends I went with, the HHOF was filled with some interesting things. Obviously everyone was lining up to get their picture taken with the Stanley cup (above), but I didn’t know that there are actually three cups and the original one from 1892 was located in the same room! Well sort of in the same room. The original Stanley Cup now resides in a refurbished bank vault that used to be a Bank of Montreal, making it feel super precious. Another fun part of the night was the interactive games the museum has to offer. There are trivia and news rooms, but my favourite was the shootout where you could select a goalie and take your shot! On the other side you could also play as the goalie. 

Shooting game. Photo Courtesy of Michelle Wright.

If the aim of the event was to create an “experience” then I would say that it was a success! It remains to be seen if I will be going back for the next OVERTIME event, but I will go back to the Hockey Hall of Fame Museum to learn more!

The next OVERTIME will take place on November 28, 2019 and this time the theme is Kickin’ Country, so for those of you looking to ride a mechanical bull it looks like there is your chance! 

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